Thornton Hustler

Thornton Senior News

Good to know that we are still serving over 20 people on an average each week as 23 showed up this week. This included Ann Brown, Geri Levassar, Wilma Lee, Donna Lloyd, Betty, and Joe Reynolds, Bill and Elizabeth Neason, Earl Mask, Fonetta Simmons, Sue and Woody Wood, Austin and Kay Proctor, Gayla Lind, Elle, and Hank Staniszewski, Wayne Sharp, Ray, and Ruth Sanders, Neennah German, Janice Bilbrey, site mgr. and myself.

Thornton Senior News

Glad to see eighteen Seniors get their lunches on Thursday, being Ann Brown, Neennah German, Bill and Elizabeth Neason, Hank and Elle Staniszewski, Earl Mask, Fonetta Simmons, Roger and Linda Watso

Thornton Senior News

Hello again to all you Senior Citizens and friends. Hope this finds all of you well and avoiding the COVID-19. Seems it isn’t getting any better all around us. We are happy to say congratulations to Janice Bilbrey on being a grandmother again to a precious little girl. Also, Bobbie Reynolds reached her 92nd birthday on July 16 and she became great-grandmother a coup days after that to a little baby girl. We want to congratulate them on both births. Sorry to report that this week Bobbie was entered into Limestone Medical Center but seems to be doing better. Also reported to me that Linda Kennedy Watson is now home from LTC Nursing home and our prayers are still with her for better health. There may be others but haven’t been reported to me.


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