Thornton Hustler

Get your pets vaccinated

George Massey of Groesbeck Veterinarian will be in Thornton on Saturday, Sept. 25 at the Thornton Post Office giving shots for your pets from 10:30 a.m. til 12:00 noon. Good time to get your pets up to date with vaccinations. He will also be in Kosse at the Fire Station from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. if you care to be early.

Thornton Senior News

Another good day and good attendance at Senior Citizens with 19 having lunch, being Ann Brown, Lorene Stembridge, Sue, and Woody Wood, Gayla Lind, Doris Lemley, James Lenamond, Snuffy Bennett, Elizabeth Neason, Wilma Lee, Wayne Sharp, Neennah German, Alma McCurry, Earl Mask, Fonetta Simmons, Hank and Elle Staniszewski, Janice Bilbrey, site mgr., and myself. Still praying for Glenda Gambini who is in hospital in Groesbeck. Also on the prayer list is Linda Watson, who has health issues and we miss you ladies.


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Groesbeck Journal

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Groesbeck, TX 76642
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