
Tom’s Topics

The Groesbeck Lions Club 22nd annual Groesbeck Lions Club Car Show was an overwhelming success. A record-setting 85 or more vehicles were entered into the show. Watch for story and photo in this week’s Journal.

Whispers of Kosse’s Past
Whispers of Kosse’s Past
Whispers of Kosse’s Past

Whispers of Kosse’s Past

Just east of Kosse on Highway 7, stands one of the oldest private residences in the city of Kosse. An imposing Victorian structure; that has captured the eyes and imaginations of untold numbers of residents and visitors alike; the Hearn- Gidden-Hunter House is one of the most striking and memorable early buildings that remain in Kosse.

Tom’s Topics

The COVID-19 situation is still with us. The number of COVID-19 cases in Limestone County and other nearby counties appears to have increased during the past week. Again, everyone is urged to wear a mask or facial covering of some type and wash your hands as often as possible!

Shepherds Sayings

Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” (Matt. 16:18) Notice, the words ‘I will build’ were spoken by Jesus and endure as His personal promise that He will build the church. It seems to me that some church leaders believe that the church is built by people using slick methods or well-designed programs. Exercise caution at this point! First, the failure to seek ways to work with Jesus in building the church is fatal. Secondly, relying on methods, programs, or advertisements will lead us to substitute those things for God’s Holy Spirit.


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Groesbeck Journal

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Groesbeck, TX 76642
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