Thornton Senior News
Well sadly to say, our attendance was off quite a bit and those coming were Lorene Stembridge and her daughterin-law, Janet Stembridge, Elizabeth Neason, Fonnetta Simmons, Wayne Sharp, Wilma Lee, Neennah German, Earl Mask, Gayla Lind, Glenda Gambini, Donna Lloyd, Doris Lemley, James Lenamond, Snuff Bennett, Janice Bilbrey and myself.
Tom’s Topics
A reminder to the public that Groesbeck’s annual 4th of July fireworks display will be held at the Groesbeck City Park and Sports Complex at dusk. Watch for an advertisement for this event. There will be no 4th of July parade this year.
Shepherds Sayings
God promised to preserve His people. He said, “If God is for you, who can be against you? He who did not spare his own Son (Jesus), but gave him (Jesus) up for us all-how will he not also, along with him (Jesus), graciously give us all things.” (Romans 8: 31-32)