
Groesbeck Lions Club Learns About CASA

Groesbeck Lions Club Learns About CASA

On April 20th, the Groesbeck Lions Club heard a program presented by Lion Liz McDaniel. She is a CASA or Court Appointed Special Advocate for children who are in foster care. She stated that every child deserves a safe and permanent home. Each year, in the United States, millions of children are abused, neglected, or abandoned by their families, and removed from their homes and placed in foster care. The role of the CASA Volunteer is to improve the lives of children by providing a consistent presence in the child’s life while working with others to identify the child’s physical, emotional and educational needs along with the resources to help the child and the family heal. When a child is removed from home and placed in foster care, the judge appoints a CASA volunteer. The CASA volunteer meets with the child on a regular basis to learn more about the child’s needs and communicates with everyone involved in the case which may include the foster parents, teachers, therapist, the CPS worker and attorney ad litem. When a CASA volunteer goes to court, he or she advocates for the child’s best interest. The CASA continues working to find the child a permanent home. CASA volunteers are assigned to one or two cases at a time, focusing solely on that one child or sibling group and their family. The CASA volunteer and caseworkers collaborate to reunite families by making sure the child’s voice is heard. If reunification is not safe or possible, CASA volunteers will advocate for the child to be adopted by, or live with other relatives or family friends. If that is also not possible, CASA volunteers will work towards adoption by a nonrelative. No matter what happens, CASA volunteers will keep in contact with the support network until the case closes so that everyone continues to put the child’s best interest first.


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