The raffle at the Kosse Methodist Bazaar on Saturday, Oct. 6 will have 12 great prizes. They are: 1. 32” Sayno TV, 2. $100 EFEB Gift Card, 3. Air Fryer, 4. $100 Kosse Shell Gift Card, 5. $250 Visa Gift Card, 6. Texas Edition Cooler 110 qt, 7. $100 Brookshire Gift Card, 8. $200 Walmart Gift Card, 9. $100 Kosse Country Store Gift Card,
10. 3 pc. Folding Chairs with Table, 11. Tool Set 130 pc. with Case, and 12. $500 Visa Gift Card. Some of the prizes will be displayed at the Kosse Farmers State Bank where tickets are also available .for $1 each or $5 for 6 tickets. You don’t have to be present to win, but you’ll miss a lot of fun if you’re not there,