WLLVFD receives donation
Contributed photo. Clint Winstead and Justin Duke of Limestone Water Well Drilling recently donated $250 to West Lake Limestone VFD in memory of Laney Lenamon.
Contributed photo. Clint Winstead and Justin Duke of Limestone Water Well Drilling recently donated $250 to West Lake Limestone VFD in memory of Laney Lenamon.
Can anyone identify the individuals? If you have information about this photo please call the Journal office, 254-729-5103 or email William Reagan at wfreagan@embarqmail.com.
NOVEMBER 14 - 6:00 pm, Feast of Thanksgiving. DECEMBER 14- Lunch with Santa, 12 noon
Thornton Chamber of Commerce hosted its $10,000 Giveaway Dinner on Sat., Sept. 14., at the Thornton Slab. The chamber gave away 10,000 dollars for first place, a 600 dollar second
The Kosse 4-H is under new management Jodi Gooch of Kosse will be the new manager. The meetings will currently be held at the Kosse Community Center on the first
P.O. Box 440
Groesbeck, TX 76642
Phone: 254-729-5103
Fax: 254-729-0362