Groesbeck Lions Club installs new officers, present several awards
The Groesbeck Lions Club installed new officers and directors at its meeting on Wednesday, July 1, at Mi Rancho Restaurant. Additionally, several awards were presented.
Randy Schroedt, the new district governor of Lions Club District 2X3, installed the new officers and gave several remarks Lions Clubs in general plus some very complimentary remarks about the Groesbeck Lions Club and its long and successful history. The Groesbeck Lions Club was founded in 1923. Kara McLelland, immediate past president, presided during the meeting.
The new officers are Sharon Fredriksson, president; Clifton Fox, first vice-president; Ashley Foy, second vice-president; Kara McLelland, secretary; John Bush, treasurer; Larry Price, tail twister; Don Stevens, lion tamer; Kathy Jackson, membership chairman; Kara McLelland, LCIF chairperson; and Chris Henson, safety coordinator. One-year directors are T. K. Presley and Tom Hawkins; Elizabeth McDaniel and James Cowley, are two-year directors. Brian Stewart was installed as a new member of the local Lions Club. John Bush was named Lion of the year and Jim Bohls received a special award for his contributions to Lionism.
Marina Guzman, owner of Mi Rancho Restaurant, presented the Lions Club an appreciation gift of $100.00. The Groesbeck Lions Club has been meeting weekly at Mi Rancho Restaurant for the past seventeen years.
As a reminder, the annual Groesbeck Lions Club Car Show will be on August 22, and this event was briefly discussed as well the rifle raffle that will be given during the car show. Tickets are one for $5.00 or five for $20.00. Tickets for the rifle may be purchased from various Lions Club members or at the Farmers State